2016 Spacie Award Winners!

We would like to thank everyone who came out and made the first annual Spacie Awards so special. It was truly an awesome first year event! Below is the list of the Spacie Award Winners for 2016! Who’s Ready for 2017?
Best Independent Comic Artist: Howe Noel
Best Independent Cosplay: Cecil Garner (aka Cecil Grimes)
Best Independent Movie: The Death of Superman Lives..What Happened
Best Independent Group: The F(r)iends of Dirk Manning Support Group
Best Independent Podcast: MarkWho42
Best Independent Coic Book: Aether and Empire
Best Independent Writer: Dirk Manning
Best Independent Director: Jon Schnepp
Best Independent FX/Make-up: Scott Fensterer
Best Independent TV show: Milo Beasley Show
And that is the 2016 Winners of the Spacie Awards.
Check back here for the 2017 Nominees real soon!